Leeds Faith in School Turns 30
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Posted on: 20th March 2025
This month, Leeds Faith in School held our 30th Anniversary Celebration.
It was a wonderful evening, we are so thankful to everyone who came and celebrated with us. We looked back over the last thirty years, looked forward to the next and had a wonderful celebration with cake and bubbly.
As part of our 30th celebration event we welcomed our new patron, Bishop Arun Arora, Bishop of Kirkstall. We are so excited to have his support for our work, and to stand together in our shared passion for young people encountering Jesus, and for schools ministry.
Thank you to everyone who has supported us in any way over the last 30 years we wouldn't be here without you.
As part of our celebrations we launched our 30th appeal with the ambition to raise an additional £30,000 for the work of Leeds Faith In Schools.
This much-needed money will support the recent recruitment in faith of a new worker to serve across new school connections with West Leeds.
If you would like to pledge to support this please email: info@lfis.org
Information shared from Leeds Faith in School's Facebook page.