Funding from Network Leeds comes from three sources :

Regular giving from churches and individuals

One-off giving from churches and individuals

It costs around £24,000 to run this project for 12 months; 70% of the costs are for staff the rest for other costs: office, governance, and project. In order for this thriving network to be sustained, we, therefore, need £8,000 of funding through each of one-off gifts, regular giving and advertising.
We’d love you to feel part of our network and support us in our aim to connect. ‘Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it’ - 1 Corinthians 12 v 27
Here are the ways you could support us:
- If you’d like to set up a standing order, please email
- If you'd like to give a one-off gift, you can GIVE ONLINE HERE, or send a cheque payable to Leeds Christian Community Trust, For Network Leeds, Vineyard House/St Michael’s Hall, 11 Bennett Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3HN
- If you want to find out more about advertising or have any questions, please do contact Karen Williams at
Here is an encouraging word from one of our loyal supporters:
'We need a strong, consistent, non-denominational, and effective digital presence in Leeds on a common platform that we all can support both by our goodwill and our finances. That common platform in cyberspace that meets the criteria of expressing our resolve as committed Christians and mission-focused agencies across Leeds is Network Leeds. I am making a direct appeal to every committed Christian, Church and mission agency in Leeds, let us rally behind Network Leeds. Their funding is very, very precarious and the continuity of their work remains uncertain without our firm goodwill and financial support. Please let us support Network Leeds financially. Please pay your one-off special gift, or even better, set up regular giving by Standing Order mandate to the bank account of Network Leeds.'
- Pastor Kemi Ilori, Chair of Leeds Team & Overseer, Living Hope Church