TEND: Equipping For Those Involved In Ministry To And With Children And Young People
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Saturday, 7th September: 10:00am - 2:30pm
For all those involved in ministry with children and young people in churches, these events are about:
Thanking you for your ministry to children, young people and their families
Encouraging and equipping you and those you serve to grow in faith
Networking with others and sharing experiences
Doing – making time and space to set you up for what you will do next
This year’s theme is “Encouraging Confidence” and the days will include workshops, speakers, worship, reflection and the opportunity to meet others involved in ministry with and to children, young people and families.
Workshops will include:
“Sharing God’s Word in Intergenerational Worship”, “Storytelling in Toddler Groups”, “Discipleship in Children’s Groups”, “Engaging Families with Seasonal Events”, “Godly Play taster”, “Training taster: Ministry with Children and Young People and Youthscape Essentials”.
We are really excited to confirm the dates for 2024 below. Please click on the EVENT listing to book your place!
- Saturday, September 7 at St Matt's Leeds