Weekly Blog - Paul Lancaster - What Portfolio Do You Carry?
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Posted on: 23rd July 2024
Well, we now have a new government! Whatever your political persuasion there is no doubt we are in for a period of change; although there may be those who feel nothing much will change and others who look forward with high expectations. Should we be concerned about politics at all, as some may think the gospel is not about this? A careful reading of scripture however demonstrates that the kingdom of God is highly political (note small “p”) in its call for change, justice and harmony within our lives and society.
It has been encouraging to hear from the Prime Minister that what he and the government seek to achieve in bringing about change, must come from an attitude of service and not self-interest. A challenging task but very much in line with what Jesus said “…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve…” Matt 20:28. We pray that ‘service’ may indeed be the hallmark of this government.
It was interesting to notice the day after the election, newly appointed cabinet ministers proudly arriving at Downing Street, as well as representing their constituencies, ready to receive particular portfolios, to begin serving the country. Each portfolio covers various delegated responsibilities, such as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Home Secretary, Health and Education etc.
But what about your portfolio? Yes, we all carry one! The government we serve is the Kingdom of God. Maybe this is an opportune time to take a fresh look at what ‘we are carrying’ for the advancement of God’s kingdom. It’s reassuring to know that we are serving one who is described as 'having the government upon his shoulder'. Yet he has delegated each one of us with certain areas of responsibility according to our gifts and abilities.
It could be that you are unclear what ‘portfolio’ you are carrying. A helpful way of discovering this might be to ask yourself what issues you are passionate about, asking others what gifts you have. It may be linked to your everyday work or a cause you want to give your time and attention to. There may be specific aspects of the work of different government departments that you want to see outworked in your local community. Some of us feel called to carry wider responsibilities. No doubt we can be genuinely concerned about a whole range of issues and we certainly can pray about these but we cannot do everything. The Apostle Paul states “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to us” Romans 12:6.
In this new political season let us realise afresh that ‘change’ and ‘service’ are not just the government’s prerogative but are ours too and ultimately only a reflection of God’s kingdom agenda. Let us not underestimate the portfolio He has given us to carry as we seek for His kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
By Paul Lancaster (Hope for the Nations)