Weekly Blog - Paul Lancaster - Standing Room only!
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Posted on: 20th March 2025
During the last few years, I’ve noticed that in certain gatherings people are requested to ‘stand if they are able’. I never used to hear this request. This no doubt reflects the ageing population and the struggle that some have to stand for long periods of time. However, there is something quite assertive when the word ‘stand’ is used e.g. ‘stand up and be counted’, ‘take a stand’, ‘stand-off’, ‘stand up for your rights’, etc. Schools aim to be ‘outstanding’ after government inspections.
I believe that we are living at a time when the importance of taking a ‘stand’ matters more than ever. In the last few weeks "a new world order" has been spoken of with alignments of various nations and particularly the USA’s changed position on Ukraine. Many Americans and Europeans are taking a ‘stand' against this –and there are many protests taking place. There are those also taking a strong stand against the current Israeli /Palestinian situation.
But it’s not just in the realm of world politics that there is a need to take a stand, especially as we pray. In the Leeds Lent Prayer Diary, we can read of many faithful individuals and groups ‘taking a stand’ in a number of areas, ranging from social and racial justice, standing against poverty, standing for the marginalised, standing for youth and children, making a difference across the city and in local neighbourhoods. We can ‘take a stand’ in prayer for these groups recognising we cannot involve ourselves in everything- but maybe it’s good too to ask ourselves during this reflective time what is it, or what are the particular areas we want to take a fresh stand on? Perhaps also during this period of Lent, we need to take a fresh stand of resistance regarding personal issues in our lives and our families.
In the Kingdom of God there is standing room only! We can all spiritually stand even if our bodies protest at physically standing. Paul writing to the Ephesians, Chapter 6 speaks of standing four times ‘take your stand against the devil’s schemes’, ‘…when the evil day comes, you may be able to stand your ground.’ ‘after you have done everything to stand’, Stand firm then…’
There are times to physically protest over many issues, but it is always important to take a stand in the right way and in the right spirit, even if it is misunderstood. Abraham Lincoln said, “Be sure you put your feet in the right place then stand firm.” I’m reminded of the hymn “On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand”. We are not standing in our own strength but we are standing on Christ the rock that endures throughout time. On Christ the solid rock, our feet are in the right place.
He calls us and strengthens us to stand – yes there is standing room only!
By Paul Lancaster, Hope for the Nations.