Project Bonhoeffer
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Project Bonhoeffer was set up in 2012 by a small group of friends who, remembering the impact of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life and ideas on their own thinking as young Christians fifty years ago, felt it was important to convey something of that experience to young Christians today.
Project Bonhoeffer is there to provide opportunities for them to think and to act – reflecting on faith… and in doing something about it in the context in which they feel called to serve.
4 Ashwood Villas, Leeds, LS6 2EJ
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Latest events from Project Bonhoeffer
AprThe Legacy of Dietrich BonhoefferLecture on the legacy of Bonhoeffer and a commemorative Communion Service .
OctDietrich Bonhoeffer Day 2019: Restoring Faith in our DemocracyLeeds-based Project Bonhoeffer's Annual Conference