Trustee Research Report
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Posted on: 12th March 2024
The latest piece of research carried out by Community Matters was to look at Trustees. We asked our mail lists to answer an anonymous survey and received 211 responses. Unlike previous research, this time we had two specific mail lists that we approached. One for Community Buildings and the other was targeting small charities with an income under one million pounds. The idea was that this would provide some level of comparison. We received a good sample across the country, with limited responses from the devolved nations. We look at why it's so difficult to appoint trustees and what ages, skills needed etc.
The key deficiencies identified by organisations in terms of skills were about finance and legal, which have always been difficult areas to recruit to. It was also interesting to see a large number of respondents talk about needing marketing and social media skills on the board as well as generally a better knowledge of IT and technology.
Read the report here