Switch On to Women’s Safety Training for Faith Leaders
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Posted on: 28th March 2023
Leeds Faiths Forum are one of the partners co-ordinating the roll out of Switch on to Women’s Safety training in Leeds.
The workshop is aimed at men over the age of 16. This includes staff teams, volunteers, older men, students and young men over 16.
There are various contexts in which women may experience harassment or abuse. For example, the workplace, the street, online, in pubs and clubs, or in cultural/faith settings. The type of abuse women experience in these environments is very different and requires different responses from men.
The aim of the training is to enable participants to feel empowered to help girls and women feel safe and respected. Outcomes will include:
1. Developing an understanding of girls’ and women’s experiences on the subject of safety
2. Explore ideas and solutions to address the issue of girls’ and women’s safety
I am organising ‘Train the Trainer’ sessions for faith leaders to equip you to cascade the Switch On to Women’s Safety to your respective organisations. If you would like to arrange one, please contact me at interfaith@ljrc.org or on 07786 798929.
Simon Phillips
News category: General, Social action, Training