Peterborough Chamber Choir at Bradford Cathedral
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Posted on: 7th February 2024
The Peterborough Chamber Choir will be leading the music at three services at Bradford Cathedral in February, returning for the first time since 2019.
Bradford Cathedral will welcome the Peterborough Chamber Choir to lead the music at three services over the weekend of the 17th and 18th February 2024.
The Peterborough Chamber Choir was founded in 1984, in Peterborough, by the late Henk Kamminga. After Henk passed away in January 2022 the choir has continued the musical legacy he left.
The choir meets together for about seven weekends a year, as a Visiting Choir, in Cathedrals all over the UK, and they have sung in Europe, most recently in Holland and prior to that, in France and Belgium.
The choir will return to Bradford for the first time since 2019, directed by Gary Sieling with the choir accompanied by their organist, Christopher Moore. They will be leading the music at Choral Evensong on Saturday 17th February at 5:30pm; at the Choral Eucharist at 10:30am on Sunday18th February (this service is also streamed on YouTube and Facebook); and Choral Evensong later that same day at 3:30pm.
Henry Mansell Duckett, Founder Member, First Bass and Treasurer says:
“We have always regarded it a considerable privilege to be able to deputise for the resident professionals in a varied range of often spectacular, always fascinating, medieval to modern Foundations, and always aim to do our best to maintain the exceptional standards of cathedral music in this country – which may be said to be unparalleled.”
You can hear the Peterborough Chamber Choir at Bradford Cathedral’s Choral Eucharist on Sunday 18th February at 10:30am, as well as at Choral Evensong services at 5:30pm on Saturday 17th February and the Sunday at 3:30pm. You can find out more in an interview at