Leeds School of Theology 2020 Dayschool
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Posted on: 4th November 2019
Do you want to go deeper in God's word? Do you want to read the bible in a life transforming way? Do you want to grow your relationship with God? Do you want to ask the big questions of the Christian faith? If you answered yes to any of these questions the 2020 Dayschool is for you. Our vision is to equip you with healthy theology that empowers you to bring change to the world.
Over 500 students have studied with LSoT over the past 6 years. They have become part of a diverse student community drawn from over 50 local churches. Be part of the body of Christ drawing closer to God through study and theological reflection and register for this course today at https://leeds-school-of-theology.org/register/
The course is designed to be affordable and accessible. The content is simple enough to be grasped by all yet deep enough to be challenging and stretching. You are encouraged to ask questions, challenge assumptions and think for yourself. We provide a safe and nurturing environment in which you can have your thinking stretched, grapple with issues and grow in your faith.
The course runs over ten Saturday sessions, one a month with breaks in August and December.
You can find out more about the course, the tutors, the topics we cover and more details at https://leeds-school-of-theology.org/dayschool/
Our courses fill up and places are limited so don't miss out on this opportunity to grow in your relationship with God and equip yourself to think theologically in a healthy way.
To give you a taster of some the topics we look at, we produce an LSoT podcast where you can hear more from our guest teachers and get an insight into the school - check it out at https://leeds-school-of-theology.org/podcast/