Leeds Local Plan Update Consultation
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Posted on: 8th November 2022
The Leeds Local Plan is made up of a number of documents that contain planning policies that guide the amount and location of development in the Leeds district. It also includes more detailed topic-specific policies that will guide different types of development, and make sure that priorities such as design, green space, heritage, infrastructure, and flood risk management are considered during decision making.
We are required to review our planning policies every 5 years, to check they are still working, relevant, and fit for purpose, and to identify any policy gaps that may have arisen. Following a review of all our Local Plan policies in 2020, a number of policies requiring updates were identified.
In March 2019 Leeds City Council declared a climate emergency with an ambition to work towards carbon neutrality by 2030. Planning policies can help achieve this by:
- supporting developments that shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (for example - reducing the need to travel by car)
- minimising vulnerability and improving resilience (for example - by avoiding places that flood and dealing with water)
- encouraging more careful use of resources (for example - by making homes more efficient)
- supporting the move towards renewable and low carbon energy (for example - wind or solar)
With this in mind, it was decided that this first update of the Local Plan should focus on the role of updated planning policies in helping the council to deliver its climate emergency commitments.
Using comments and suggestions from a previous consultation in Summer 2021, as well as further research and evidence, the supporting text and new/updated policies for the Local Plan have been drafted. Before this can be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination we are undergoing a further round of public consultation. People cannot make new suggestions at this stage, but you can support what we are trying to do. Alternatively, if there are aspects you object to, please let us know, along with reasons or evidence to support your objection.
All documentation, including the consultation material, a summary of the consultation material, and links to the response form can be found on the website. We are also holding some online webinars where you can find out further information and ask questions, as well as a series of drop-in events where you can have a chat with officers face-to-face. Full details of the drop-in events and webinars can be found on the website. If you require any help in taking part in this consultation please email us at lpu@leeds.gov.uk.