Interfaith Week 2024
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Posted on: 7th November 2024
Inter Faith Week 2024 will take place from Sunday 10 - Sunday 17 November.
Each year, Inter Faith Week begins on Remembrance Sunday, and runs until the following Sunday. It is hoped that the additional Sunday provides the opportunity for other weekend events to take place as well as those linked to Remembrance Sunday. Remembrance Sunday was chosen as a start day to encourage people to remember together the contributions of all faiths and none, and to consider how best to create a just, peaceful, and harmonious world.
Inter Faith Week also ends on Mitzvah Day, an annual day of faith-based social action:
Building good relationships and working partnerships between people of different faiths and beliefs is part of the year-round work of many people and organisations across the UK.
Having a special Week provides a focal point, helping to open inter-faith activity up to a wider audience so that more and more people are made aware of the importance of this vital work and are able to participate in it.
Find out more about Inter Faith week here