Weekly Devotional - Great is thy Faithfulness O God
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Posted on: 28th August 2019
My friends, as humans, we always have something to gripe about – good or bad. I know I do my fair share of griping and often catch myself in the process.
The word of God reminds us of God’s faithfulness for us in Lamentations 3:22-23 and it says “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”.
Let’s reflect for a minute on the experience of going to bed at night (in good and difficult times) and opening our eyes in the morning. This experience is not automatic – particularly because many also slept and did not wake up in the morning and it isn’t because we are better than them. It is because of God’s faithfulness upon our lives that we experience the gift of life.
Experiencing and enjoying God’s faithfulness requires that we take a moment to look around us and we will see:
- His Love – Our salvation is the evidence of this. He died for us on the Cross so we will not perish but have eternal life.
- His Protection – We live in peril times, yet God protects our going out and coming in.
- His Provision – Shelter, Food, Job, Sound mind and the list is endless.
Christ-follower, beware of taking God’s faithfulness for granted no matter how small you may think it is, but take the time to appreciate Him for all He has done, all He is presently doing and what He will continue to do in your life. If you are currently not a Christ-follower, come and enjoy the faithfulness of God today.
All glory to God!
Written by Agnes Amos-Coleman who is a Christian Speaker, Author & Business Consultant. Click here to find out more about her latest Book on Transforming Business with Godly Governance.
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