Global Awakening Are Coming To Yorkshire
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Posted on: 29th March 2023
In April a team from Global Awakening are coming to Yorkshire. Global Awakening are based in Harrisburg, USA and were started by Randy Clark. Teams now go out all over the world carrying revival fire. Some of our students were just with them in Brazil and saw 100's of healing - 980 physical healings, 642 emotional healings, 11 blind eyes open, 14 deaf ears open, 9 tumours, 5 lame walking and 6 metal healings! We are so excited that they are coming to be with us for 8 days of revival activity.
The team will be doing a day of training at Celebrate School of Supernatural Ministry on 15th April - teaching on healing, words of knowledge, prophecy, deliverance and emotional healing. Then over the next week they will be leading services at various churches in Bradford, Leeds and Grimsby. Including a healing service on 18th April at the Bridge, Grimsby. They are offering prophetic words to church leaders and at a local christian charity.
What we do know is that wherever they go they will be stirring revival fire! If you want to know more about their visit and what they will be doing check the website or email