Give the Gift of Faith this Christmas
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Posted on: 15th November 2024

Leeds City Mission is aiming to raise £500 for outreach projects this Christmas, with a drive to encourage Christians in Leeds to give the gift of a Christian book to fellow followers of Jesus - or friends or family members who are exploring their faith. 

The small but significant Book Booth, which forms part of the LCM city mission hub, is the ONLY remaining retail outlet for Christian books in the whole of Leeds and Bradford. 

It boasts sections on theology, biography, devotionals and bible study, and includes both new and second hand Christian books, as well as a selection of bibles. 

Apart from church bookstalls, there is no evangelical Christian bookshop in the Leeds area - a population of 751,000 people! This is the only public retail outlet providing physical access to Christian literature in the whole of the city.

The £500 raised from sales of the books will go towards LCM’s “Sock it to Them” project, which purchases socks for local prisoners, and forms part of its Prison Chaplaincy outreach.

The Christian Book and Card Booth - an integral part of the Leeds City Mission Restore Shop - is open Monday - Friday (apart from Wednesdays) 10am - 3pm.  It will also be open Saturday mornings on 30th November and 7th, 14th and 21st December.  Browsers are welcome to free hot chocolate and biscuits as they peruse the books.

Leeds City Mission can be found at Mistress Lane, Armley, Leeds LS12 2LJ. All welcome.

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authorEve Middlemiss

tagNews category: General

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