Corona Virus information in different languages on YouTube
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Posted on: 21st April 2020
A small task and finish group within Leeds City Council have been working to provide translated and audio materials in 11 different languages.
I am pleased to announce we have some fantastic resources in Polish, Romanian, Urdu, Arabic, Czech, Punjabi, Tigrinya, Farsi, Slovak, Kurdish Sorani and Bengali.
There are three different videos which focus on:
Spot the signs - This short film contains information to help people spot the signs of coronavirus and gives advice for households with possible coronavirus infection.
Handwashing advice This short film contains information about how you can help stop the spread of viruses, like coronavirus, by practising good respiratory and hand hygiene.
Essential advice - This short film contains information for households with possible coronavirus infection. Please be aware that this is an evolving situation and public advice may change.
Please find the link for the videos playlist
Please circulate as far and as wide as possible so that we can ensure that we continue to protect our communities to stay safe and well and follow the appropriate guidance.
Network Leeds
News category: General