100% Digital Leeds - Small Grant Funding Programme
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Posted on: 21st April 2020
100% Digital Leeds has launched a new grant funding programme which is for grants of up to £1,000 to apply for digital equipment or other digital-related costs, for organisations working with adults in communities.
It is anticipated these grants could cover:
· The purchase of digital equipment for staff and volunteers, to better enable remote working/support of people
· The purchase of digital equipment for people supported by organisations
· The purchase of phone data/call credit for any of the groups above.
The closing date is Friday 24th April but please note each application will be assessed in the order that they come in so it would be worth acting quickly before the money runs out.
The Digital Inclusion Coordinators are not on the assessment panel so we cannot give you any preference but we could give general advice around your application.
The form is short – max 250 words per section – and the full info, including application guidance, is here: http://digitalinclusionleeds.com/grants