Ukraine Crisis (Church / Christian Response in Leeds)
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Monday, 7th March: 5:30pm - 6:45pm
An online gathering to touch base on how Churches, Projects and Individuals that are part of the Christian community in Leeds, are responding practically and prayerfully to the war in Ukraine.
We want to see what more can be to Support Ukrainian’s now and in the future at this very difficult time.
Items we intend to cover include:
- Donating items that are needed
- Discover where we can donate financially to official international charities and people on the ground who have stayed.
- How do we support Refugees who may come here.
- Can we offer to have refugees stay in our homes?
- What are the Christian, spiritual ramifications should Russia take control of the Ukraine.
-How did the Church function under the USSR compared to now.
- How do we pray into this and into the conflict?
Email for the zoom link.
Posted by: David Paterson
Event category: General