Transformation’s Online Ministry: Prelaunch Event
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Wednesday, 4th December: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
We want to invite you to a very special 'prelaunch' event for our new transformations' online ministry. This is an exclusive opportunity to hear the vision behind this venture, the results from our global graduate survey and what finances are needed to launch this new ministry. We will hear stories from around the world about the difference that this ministry can make, pray together and share the different ways you can be part of these plans.
We are really excited, as well as feeling God stretching our faith, as we seek to launch this ministry. We'd love your support at this event. It will be the same event twice, on zoom, each for just one hour (so don't be late!)
Wednesday 4th Dec 7pm and Sunday 8th Dec at 6pm. Times are UK times (GMT).
To get the zoom link just email phil.thomas@