The Evolution of Love
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· Creation-centred spirituality invites us to recognize our role within the ongoing evolution of the universe.

· Do we see ourselves as planetary beings, the latest expression of God’s continuing creation story?

· How can we nurture the flourishing of creation rather than its destruction?

With insights from cosmology, theology and church teaching as well as workshops, the day offers an opportunity to deepen understanding, re-focus energies, generate hope and inspire shared action.

The most telling and profound way of describing the evolution of the universe would undoubtedly be to trace the evolution of love"Teilhard de Chardin


ALL are welcome and there is no charge to come to this event (but there will be a voluntary collection during the day).

Food & Drink

Tea , coffee and water will be available throughout the day.

As with our other Days of Reflection, we ask people to bring some food for a shared lunch (nothing that needs to be cooked or heated up). These are usually a highlight and we have never had 20 quiches!(Yet)

Obviously, if you have dietary restrictions then this may not be possible and we fully understand that.

Who will be leading this Day of Reflection?

The day will be led by members of the Begin with the Heart team.

This is a group of volunteers who are carrying on the legacy of Fr Donal O'Leary of the Leeds Diocese. Fr Donal was a prolific writer and much of it was centred on our place in God's Creation.

The Evolution of Love photo

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