The Eucharist for Vocations Sunday
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Sunday, 25th April: 10:30am - 11:45am
Bradford Cathedral, Bradford Cathedral, 1 Stott Hill, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 4EH
This is the last Sunday when we have our two trainee clergy who have been on placement from Mirfield Theological College - Josh and Kayleigh.
Our visiting preacher for Vocations Sunday is the Revd Steve Proudlove.
Steve is Vicar of St John the Divine Parish church in Menston and also Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands and Vocations, working both with those who feel called to ordination and those who are discerning what God could be calling them to in other areas. He is married to Elaine, and has two children, Samuel and Phoebe, and a dog. Steve enjoys football and rock-climbing in his spare time. Originally from Scotland, Steve and Elaine have lived in London, Cambridgeshire, and also the Isle of Man, before falling in love with Yorkshire.