SVP Sponsored Walk April 2021
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Friday, 23rd April: 12:57pm - Sunday, 23rd May: 12:57pm
This year, due to Covid-19, our annual SVP sponsored walk will be different in that we are asking you to do your own walk to raise funds for St Vincent’s Bradford and Leeds.
It can be as long or short as you like and it would be great if you could do it on the weekend beginning April 23rd 2021 to commemorate the birthdate of SVP founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam.
The closing date for returning sponsorship money to St Vincent’s Leeds is 23rd May 2021.
All sponsorship from this event will go directly to our SVP community projects based in Bradford and Leeds, providing help and support for families living in poverty.
For further information on the event or St Vincent's, please get in touch on 0113 248 4126 or email
We would love to see the photos of your walks! Please do take some and send them over to us via or tag us on FB and Twitter @stvincentsleeds.