Quiet Day - Prayer Is Not Too Difficult
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Monday, 22nd January: 10:00am - 4:00pm
We will find inspiration in the Scriptures and Christian tradition to deepen our awareness of God who is not far away but ‘in whom we live and move and have our being.’ We will practice different ways of praying during the day: silence, contemplation and the Ignatian way. We will use music, nature and text to be inspired and nurtured. Everyone is welcome whether you have an established practice of prayer, whether you struggle with prayer or simply want to find out more about it.
Henriette Howarth is an Anglican priest, originally from the Netherlands, but now based in Yorkshire. She is a spiritual director, meditation teacher and has a Masters in Biblical Studies. She has worked in health care and education chaplaincy and as a parish priest. She has personal experience of caring for and accompanying young people with physical and mental health challenges.
This is a free event, but please contact the Hall to book your place. Please bring your own lunch.
Read more and book your place here.