Listening To The Signs Of The Times
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Saturday, 16th December: 11:00am - 2:00pm
Wheeler Hall, St Anne's Cathedral, Cookridge Street, Leeds, LS2 8BE
This event is about the Justice & Peace Commission enabling a range of people, young and old, across the Diocese of Leeds, and ecumenical friends, to speak and listen about their social justice concerns. Out of this our hope is that we can all better discern where to put our efforts in working for peace and justice.
What are the issues of social justice that concern you the most? In our cost-of-living crisis, have issues of social justice, like Climate Change, local poverty, racial justice and striving to become peacemakers, taken a back seat? Are there other issues that are more pressing?
Most of this meeting will be spent in conversations and workshop sharing to better understand the concerns of parishioners across the Leeds Diocese . Where is the Gospel leading us in today's world? We are not going to solve the world's problems in two hours - but working to discern where we should act can be a hopeful activity.
We will provide a light lunch by 1pm at the latest - allowing time for informal discussions to continue for a while.
There is no charge to attend this event. Please let us know in advance if you sign up but are then unable to make it - we need to order the right amount of food.
For more information, please see the website and contact information.