Kingdom 90 Day Business Planning Day
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Thursday, 5th July: 9:00am - 4:00pm
With proven strategies and expert training, you will learn proven strategies to increase profits, work fewer hours and build a winning team. Then, you can adapt to get your team working for you. You will walk away with a clear and succinct week by week action plan to show you exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it.
Make your next 90 days in business your best ever and boost your success for the rest of 2018!
What makes this event unique?
1. Based on Christian values
2. Includes a personal Spiritual MOT with reflection and action points for you to take forwards
3. Sharing with other business owners your hope, fears, challenges and wins in a SAFE and SUPPORTIVE environment
4. Your goals will be prayed over across the following 90 days by our Intercessor, Jeremy
5. You will have a written plan to put you way ahead of your competitors with focus, clarity and determination to succeed
By attending you will
1. Build your 90-day plan for your business success
2. Learn to execute practical strategies to achieve your goals
3. Get energy, focus and vision for your business
4. Create a practical framework for achieving results in your business over the next 90 days
Click here to book and to find out more.
Find out how others have benefited from this course and hear their testimonials by clicking here.