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Tuesday, 26th September: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Be the first to hear all about the biggest push of Hope 23-24 - Easter 2024! We’ve got exciting news on ALIVE, what it is, how we plan on impacting a generation and how you can be involved. Join us on September 26th. Meeting information below.
45% of the UK population believe that Jesus rose from the dead! (Talking Jesus research 2022) 16% are totally convinced but a further 29% believe but have some uncertainties about this. We think Easter is a great opportunity to reach that 29% and help them fully realise the transforming power of the resurrection of Jesus now and for eternity!
The Alive series is five brilliant films that will help people engage with the risen Jesus through the resurrection appearances of Jesus. Follow someone like Mary's story from loss to hope, or Peter from failure to purpose. Run this in your church.
You can be a part of a national campaign to raise awareness of Easter 2024. #DEADorALIVE? Using the power of digital marketing and and outdoor campaign, we want people to stop in their tracks so that they ask the question?
Is Jesus dead or alive and are you fully alive?
Prayer and Worship
We’re taking to city squares to celebrate the resurrected Jesus and to pray with the authority of the risen Jesus over our nation on Easter Sunday afternoon between 3pm and 5pm. Watch this space to find out more.
Put Alive Easter 2024 in your diary now.
September 26th, 1pm to 2.30pm. Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 833 0879 0823
Passcode: 678168
7.30pm –9pm. Join Zoom
Meeting ID: 833 0879 0823
Passcode: 678168