Gather Leeds
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Thursday, 21st May: 7:30pm - 9:00pm
The next Gather Leeds event will be this coming Thursday and will be part of the start of the Thy Kingdom Come initiative in Leeds. See details below. There is also a reminder of the Global Day of Prayer below, which will be at the end of Thy Kingdom Come on Pentecost Sunday 31st May. A flyer will be sent out shortly for this. Also during the 11 days which lead up to Pentecost we are encouraging people to pause, reflect and pray at 1.45pm every day and pray for our city and beyond at this time of great challenge.
Gather Leeds (Thy Kingdom Come)
Date - Thursday 21st May
Time - 7.30 - 9pm.
This will take place on Zoom. See link and details below.
Meeting ID - 894 3995 4543
Password - 853329
A great opportunity to connect online with other Christian's in Leeds to both pray for the city but also hear from Christian's responding to the current Coronavirus in Leeds. Reflections will be given from 3 Churches including Cornerstone Baptist and Good Shepherd Church. There will also be updates on Social Care, Schools / Education and Prayer in the city.
Posted by: Network Leeds
Event category: Prayer