Falling Among Thieves
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Thursday, 20th October: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
St George's Conference Centre, 60 Great George Street, Leeds, LS1 3DL
Responses to the Temple Tract, Falling Among Thieves. Understanding and responding to church-related abuse by Andrew Graystone.
The Temple Tract Falling Among Thieves offers a highly relevant theological reflection for all those concerned by people’s experiences of abuse and church responses. It is based on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and uses this story to shine light and hope on the gathered testimony and stories of victims and survivors, as well as on ways the church has responded and could respond. It is honest and hopeful, and a good base for further reflection and action.
About the author:
Andrew Greystone is an independent theologian, writer and activist who has spent a lot of time walking with victims and survivors of church-related abuse since he uncovered the activities of serial abuser John Smyth QC in 2017.
Date: Thursday 20th October
6.00 Food
6:30 Andrew Graystone on ‘Falling Among Thieves’
7:00 Response 1 Catherine Beaumont
7:10 Response 2 Al McFadyen
7:20 Response 3 Susan Shooter
7:30 Break out groups
7:55 Plenary
8:15 Future Actions
8:30 Informal conversations and book stall
Please book through the LCI website or Eventbrite
Posted by: Miriam O'Keeffe
Event category: General