Exploring Church Planting Course
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Wednesday, 21st April: 7:30pm - Wednesday, 19th May: 9:00pm
Interested in church planting? Then the ‘Exploring Church Planting’ course is for you!
We have created this material to help members of churches find out more about church planting and to think through if this is something they want to do in the future. This might be as a member of a church planting team or part of an initial group. On the course you’ll find out more about starting new churches and leave with a plan for your next steps.
The framework of the five sessions will cover the why, what, how, who, where and when of church planting. The first three points (why, what and how) will be covered in the first three sessions as general teaching. The second three (who, where and when) will be covered in the last two sessions and will focus more on the journey of the participant.
The course will run on Zoom. The dates and times are:
7.30 – 9pm - 21st April
7.30 – 9pm - 28th April
7.30 – 9pm - 5th May
7.30 – 9pm - 12th May
7.30 – 9pm - 19th May