Enneagram Course
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Tuesday, 15th February: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
We are excited to be working with a specialist Enneagram Practitioner to offer a 5-week course in The Enneagram.
Begin an insightful lifelong journey of growth in knowledge of self and others; deepen your understanding of why you feel, behave and respond as you do, and also deepen your empathy for others as you understand more of how they see the world.
This 5 week course will run from 7.00 - 8.30pm on Tuesdays 15, 22 February and 8, 15, 22 March, at Holy Trinity Boar Lane.
Please go to What is The Enneagram? - Leeds Sanctuary (leedsmethodistmission.co.uk) for more information and to book.
Posted by: Emily Smith
Event category: General