Cathedrals Cycle Route
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Thursday, 3rd June: 10:00am - 3:00pm
Bradford Cathedral, Bradford Cathedral, 1 Stott Hill, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 4EH
Up to twenty cyclists will be putting on their helmets, oiling up their chains and fuelling up ready to tackle the twenty-mile journey – or parts of it – to Wakefield Cathedral, which will take in the beauty of the Spen Valley Greenway and will feature a refreshment break at Dewsbury Minster.
This leg forms part of a nationwide cycle route that begins on Sunday 30th May in Newcastle, and takes in all 42 Anglican cathedrals before returning to the start on Saturday 10th July.
The Cathedrals Cycle Route is a unique partnership between Sustrans, Cycling UK, the British Pilgrimage Trust and the Association of English Cathedrals. It is a new initiative to promote greener travel and mental and physical wellbeing.
For more information - or to sign-up - please e-mail us.
Posted by: Philip Lickley
Event category: General