Blue Christmas
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Tuesday, 10th December: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Leeds Sanctuary would love to welcome you to a Blue Christmas service on Tuesday 10 December at 5.30pm.
We recognise that for many people, Christmas creates complicated emotions. It can be a very exciting time with opportunities for much joy, but it can also enhance feelings of grief, anxiety and loneliness. Mass celebration at a time when many are unable to celebrate, perhaps due to poverty or war, can also raise feelings of guilt, and holding these emotions together can be overwhelming and exhausting. Our Blue Christmas service will be an opportunity to acknowledge and reflect on these emotions through quiet moments, prayer and creativity, with a capella music provided by The Vessel Collective.
Doors will open at 5.15pm, and the service will run from 5.30pm - 6.30pm. We'll be serving wine, hot drinks and mince pies at the end.
Posted by: Emily Smith
Event category: General