Arc Spirit Cafe @ Cielo
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Thursday, 3rd May: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Arc Spirit Cafe is a safe place where non-Christians as well as Christians can come and encounter the goodness of God in tangible ways. We offer free spiritual reading (prophetic words), physical healing, dream interpretation, spiritual detox and peace encounters to the general public. (Please see attached leaflet for further details.) Many people are searching for genuine spirituality and they are turning to psychics, mediums and the occult. We are bringing God back into public places and are offering people opportunities to experience that Jesus is real and He is very good.
At our last Spirit Cafe, a gentleman with a shoulder injury from spot was healed instantly. His pain level dropped from 6/10 to almost zero. And his rotation and mobility returned completely.
A lady had her reoccuring dream interpreted and dealt with some issues that had haunted her her entire life.
Another girl's toothache totally went. She had not been able to sleep for 3 nights in a roll because of the toothache. It all went after she was prayed for.