St Andrew’s Methodist Church, Beeston
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Our Main Sunday service is at 10.30am
There are regular All Age Services, designed to appeal equally to young and old, but everyone is welcome on any Sunday and most weeks we have a Junior Club for children.
Once a month the Service includes Holy Communion, when those who wish to share bread and wine can celebrate Jesus' presence with us and remember that he died for us.
St Andrew's aims to mix new and traditional styles of worship in a way that is thought provoking but not too heavy.
Fellowship on alternate Mondays 12.45 -1.45pm
Ladies Fellowship
Tuesday's 8pm at homes of members.
Weekly Open Doors
Wednesday's 9.30am - 11.30am
(Apart from Christmas and New Year weeks)
Refreshemnts, Chat about life, Support for the Community
Service times
Sunday: 10:30am-12:00pm
St. Andrew's Methodist Church, Beeston, Old Lane, Leeds, LS11 8AL
Denomination: Methodist