Rothwell Baptist Church
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We have an active membership of twenty three, but over thirty meeting every Sunday morning. Our life is shared with many from the neighbourhood, from the children belonging to Friday Club to the older folk who come in for the Mid Week Fellowship. Also the growing number who enjoy the weekly craft and leisure group on Monday afternoon. And we are pleased to say the number of community groups using our premises increases all the time.

You are warmly invited to join any of these activities. We aim to be a welcoming church - and do a lot of eating together!

Ruth Lunn is our Church Secretary (0113 277 7881) and Pam Elvin the Treasurer. A third deacon, Rev. Duncan Bradshaw, leads some of the services as we don't have a Pastor at present. The other deacons are Richard Mann, Alison Hall and Pat Wray. We generally invite visiting speakers on Sunday morning.

timeService times

Sunday: 10:00am-12:00pm


Rothwell Baptist Church, Wood Lane, Rothwell, Leeds, LS26 0PG

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denominationDenomination: Baptist



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