Drighlington Methodist Church
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Sunday Service, 10.30am:
First Steps - for children of all ages (contact Mary Goldsworthy 0113 285 4995)
First and third Sunday each month, 7.30pm:
Monday Regnal - a friendly discussion group on all topics (contact Margaret Eastwood 0113 285 3888)
Tuesday, 9.45 to 10.45am:
Mobility class - gentle exercise for older people (contact Terry Hallsworth 0113 229 7988)
Tuesday, 7.00pm:
Looking Forward group - Look, Listen and Discuss (contact Trevor Martin 0113 285 4165 )
Girls' Brigade - Christian Organisation
6.00 to 7.00pm: Explorers 4yrs - 8yrs
7.00 to 8.30pm: Juniors Senior Brigaders (contact Joanne McGregor 01924 446392)
Thursday, 1.00pm:
You're Not Too Old - a friendly gathering for chatter, games, fun and refreshments (contact 01924 446392)
Saturday, 10.30am to 12 noon:
Karate (contact Terry 0113 2229 7988)
Monday to Thursday, 9.00 to 11.30am:
Coffee Pot - Tea, coffee and friendship (contact Glenys 0113 229 7988)
Service times
Sunday: 10:30am
King Street, Drighlington, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD11 1EL