Weekly Blog - Roger Quick - How Do You Read Me?
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Posted on: 29th June 2022
How do you read me?
In The Simpsons (a programme of high moral tone masquerading as anarchy) Pastor Lovejoy is asked for advice. He replies, “Just read your bible.”
“Any particular passage?”
“Oh, it's all good.”
Now, we would not want to question the goodness of the Scriptures; but we need to know what we’re reading. Otherwise, it’s like watching television for a full twenty-four hours and not noticing the difference between the news, documentaries, advertisements, cartoons and soaps.
The bible is many books, which in some cases took centuries to come to the form in which we have them. There are many different genres; poetry, history, prophecy, saga, wisdom writings and others. Some of us would want to believe that it is all literally true; but that is not the case, for example, of the parables of Jesus. Yet there is truth in it all.
There is benefit for some of us in using a lectionary; set readings for every day. That can stop us getting lost in our own feelings; it reminds us that, even if we feel like shouting hallelujah, there will be others of God’s children who at that same moment are lamenting, grieving.
Why should we consider these things now? Maybe like me you have recently found yourself eating a good meal whilst seeing images of war and starvation. The answer to that, as to so much else, is thankfulness. Let us give thanks for food; for peace; for the Word of God which is Jesus; for the means of grace and the hope of glory.
Ephesians 5:20, NIV: always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Roger Quick - Chaplain St Georges Crypt