Weekly Blog - Roger Quick - Harvest
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Posted on: 11th October 2022
At harvest time of year, as chaplain to St George’s Crypt, I find myself visiting schools; to conduct their assemblies, tell them some stories of our work, and above all to thank the children for their donations of food and toiletries. It is humbling to encounter their generosity, and their concern for the people we look after.
I tell them stories of some of our people who were abandoned as children; who grew up without knowing they were loved. Not a day goes by in the Crypt but I am thankful for having parents who loved me. All too often, we see the results of lack of care, of adults who never received the love they so desperately needed in childhood. They grew up twisted, trying to cope.
Discovering the deep love of God can heal. Our task - the task of all of us - is to be loving. To give freely, compassionately, to love without conditions. This is not easy. But, by grace, it is endlessly rewarding. I thank God that we have been given the opportunity to love; to share generously, who have been given so much.
At the root of this in thankfulness; to give thanks for everything (1Thess.5:18). For all things work for good. May your harvest be blessed.