Weekly Blog - Mary Swain - King Jesus
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Posted on: 4th April 2023
“We want a king!” cried Israel. Samuel was greatly distressed by this uproar. He knew that Israel was never meant to be led by a human king like the nations around them, but they were meant to be led by God. ‘They have rejected me as their king’ (1 Samuel 8:7), the Lord said to Samuel.
“Hosanna in the highest” cried the people as they jumped and shouted, waving their palm branches as Jesus entered Jerusalem as King on the donkey. But only five days later, the crowd rejected Jesus as King. “Crucify him!” they screamed.
It was easy to praise Jesus along with the rest of the crowd having seen all the miracles he performed. But soon, it got difficult to praise Jesus. Seeing him arrested and tied up, bruised and battered, silent before the Romans, it was no longer easy to praise. It was no longer convenient. This was not what they imagined. And they rejected Him as King.
We have a history of wanting a king, but we also have a history of getting it wrong because we want a king made in our image. We want a convenient king. We want a popular king.
Jesus as King is not convenient for our man-made structures and living in His Kingdom under his rule and reign whilst on this earth will probably not make us popular. But He is victorious and undefeated. He is powerful and mighty. He is perfect and just.
We cry out for Jesus the King, but are we inviting Him into places and spaces where he has the freedom to be Himself? Or do we want Him to conform to our image and expectations?
There is no doubt of His Kingdom coming. But Lord, help us work with you and not against you! Let us be partakers and not observers!
That is my prayer this Easter.
‘Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.’ (Isaiah 9:7)
Mary Swain, Dayspring Church