Weekly Blog - Mark Kelly - Chatbots and Christianity: A New Era of Evangelism?
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Posted on: 22nd February 2023
Have you ever thought about using Artificial Intelligence to share the Gospel message?
Let me suggest to you that Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to be a powerful tool in sharing the Gospel with the world. The development of AI-based chatbots like ChatGPT that can provide personalized responses to a user's query is an exciting application of this technology.
AI, in the form of chatbots, is available 24/7, providing access for people who may not be comfortable or unable to attend traditional church services or outreach programs. In addition, AI can provide a non-judgmental, non-confrontational platform for people to explore and ask questions about Christianity.
However, using AI to share the Gospel must be done carefully, being mindful of the limitations of this technology. Hearing the Gospel, believing its message, and repentance from a sinful life is a profoundly transformational experience that requires human interaction and, most importantly, a revelation of Christ. Furthermore, AI cannot provide empathy, fellowship, and discipleship, which are essential in the Christian walk. In other words, whilst AI can provide a helpful introduction to the Gospel, it's ultimately up to humans to build relationships and provide ongoing support and guidance.
If we choose to use AI to share the Gospel, it's important to use it in a way that is consistent with the Biblical message. The message must be communicated accurately and not compromised to be more appealing to a broader audience. The goal of using AI and chatbots should be to lead users to a local church, a Christian website, or other resources where they can learn more about Jesus and connect with Christians.
As believers, we're responsible for sharing the Gospel with the world, and we must use every tool at our disposal to do so. Technology like AI can supplement and enhance missional activity and outreach programs and connect people to a local church. In addition, it can invite wider interactions with those who have yet to believe.
So, I challenge you to consider how you might use AI and other technologies to share the Gospel message. If you have yet to do so, why not embrace the power of technology to reach more people while prioritizing the human experience, fellowship, and community essential to the Christian life.
Mark Kelly
Network Leeds