Weekly Blog - Helen Reid - Remembering Queen Elizabeth II, a reflection on servant leadership
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Posted on: 14th September 2022
Remembering Queen Elizabeth II, a reflection on servant leadership
If you asked a group of people to list adjectives for ‘leader’ and then for ‘servant’ there would probably be very little crossover. Yet Jesus lived amongst us as a servant leader and commended this to his disciples. He did this in many ways, including in Mark chapter 9 when he said, ‘Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.’
In practice such leadership means, be humble and accept the humble; use power without regards for status and on behalf of the powerless; not as personal sacrifice but because the Kingdom of God is here.
For seventy years, Queen Elizabeth was committed to her calling which she understood to be servant leadership. She was a role model and was a witness to her faith at the heart of her long service. For example, in one Christmas address she said: “This is the time of year when we remember that God sent His only Son ‘to serve, not to be served.’ He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ.”
As we remember the Queen and the nation mourns her passing, we can be renewed in our service to others at the heart of our faith.
Helen Reid, Director, Leeds Church Institute