Weekly Blog - Catherine Beaumont:Do It Now
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Posted on: 7th October 2021

Do It Now

At the beginning of the fuel crisis, I was fortunate enough to fill my car up after only a five-minute wait (I discovered later that this makes me a panic buyer as I bought more than I normally would have done). Having filled my tank I then tried to make it last as long as possible so that I was neither left without nor forced to join long queues. This involved, among other things, being more strategic with my shopping and wherever possible walking instead of driving. Of course, I have known for years that my fuel consumption contributes to the climate crisis, but it would seem I’m not sufficiently motivated to act until my own comfort and convenience are threatened.

A couple of weeks ago the LCCT staff team had a meeting with Jhardine Farrell from Leeds City Council about working towards the Cultural Cohesion Quality Mark. This is a journey we hope all LCCT members will join us on, so that LCCT and its member projects can become more diverse and inclusive. Jhardine stressed that this is not just a paper exercise, completed by a few on behalf of the whole charity, but it will mean changing the way we see and do things at an individual as well as organisational level. Each of us will be required to examine our unconscious bias and the ways in which we contribute to racism in our society. For most of us this will be neither a quick nor an easy journey.

I cannot imagine anyone from LCCT disagreeing with this in principle, but as with me and my fuel consumption, until and unless it affects us personally, it could easily remain something we intend to do only when we have more time/funds/headspace available.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act. Proverbs 3:27

Catherine Beaumont

LCCT Project Manger

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