Weekly Blog - Mark Kelly - Mission Part 1
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Posted on: 14th February 2022
What do you think of when you read or hear the word 'mission'? What images come to your mind?
You might imagine small huts in remote jungles of South America or a row of people wearing colourful robes lined up for a photo, the kind of stock images over a news story about tribal Africa. Maybe when you hear the word 'mission', you see yourself filling in another offerings envelope! 'Mission' is something just for the missionaries, and our part to play is funding that endeavour.
However, mission (maybe best thought as 'living on mission for God') is not only for the few who leave or sell all their possessions and move to a faraway land. According to God's Word,mission is for every believer. We don't need to work for a local church or travel to another country to be a missionary. Every Christian can and should be a missionary, regardless of our vocation or location. Everyone everywhere needs to hear the Gospel, that is, the Good News of Jesus Christ.
In the Book of Romans, Paul, the author of this book, explains the basics of salvation to his readers. He gives us answers to questions we all have at some point:
• What is salvation? Salvation is a right relationship with God by grace through faith
(Romans 10:4–8).
• Who is salvation for? It is for whoever will believe that Jesus died and rose again and confess Him as their Lord (Romans 10:9–13).
• How can salvation be shared? First, someone must tell people about the Gospel
(Romans 10: 14).
14 But how will people call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how will they believe
in Him of whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher (messenger)?
15 And how will they preach unless they are commissioned and sent [for that purpose]? Just as it
is written and forever remains written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news
of good things!" – Romans 10:14-15 (Amplified Bible)
In verse 14 of chapter 10 in Romans, Paul turns his theological discussion into an appeal to his readers, that is, those reading his letter back then, to us reading now. He asks a simple but profound question: How will people believe the Gospel if they never hear it? To believe it, they need to have the opportunity to hear it, and someone has to take it to them. In verse 14, the Greek word, 'kérussó' - which translates into "preacher" in most Bible translations - means a "herald," a"proclaimer". Or, as it says in the Amplified version I've used here, a "messenger".
No one can hear a message without a messenger sharing it. All of us who are Christians are called to proclaim the Good News that we've seen and heard – and experienced – for ourselves. That's every one of us, no exceptions, no timeouts, no comebacks, and no excuses! Our primary purpose, as believers, is to share Jesus with the world so other people can get to know him too.
By Mark Kelly
Network Leeds