Weekly Blog - Emily Smith - Friendship
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Posted on: 19th July 2023
As we come to the end of our year in The Methodist Church, we are beginning to review how “successful” we have been and consider what our aims for the next year will be. We are delighted with the ways some of our partnerships have deepened, and we are really reflecting on the value of deeper relationships.
Alongside this, we know that people who have been most affected by the Cost of Living Crisis will also likely be losing their connection to friends and their community as they find themselves unable to afford to attend activities, and as their physical and mental health declines. Yet the Bible clearly and repeatedly places value on good friendships. In Ecclesiastes, we read:
“Two people are better than one because they can reap more benefit from their labour. For if they fall, one will help his companion up, but pity the person who falls down and has no one to help him up… Although an assailant may overpower one person, two can withstand him. Moreover, a three-stranded cord is not quickly broken” (4:9-12 NET).
Having a good friend in a difficult time, means having someone who will help you get back on your feet. Working together towards something can create bigger and better change. It has been inspiring this year to see people in our communities care for each other through big life changes, and work together to create a lasting impact in our city with joy.
As isolation increases, and fear is bred by the media, we must keep working to include new people who need to be reminded of their value in this world. While most of our communities are not overtly faith-based, we hope to live out our Christian beliefs by caring for people where they are; helping them get back up if they fall down; and inviting them to work with us to create positive change. In so doing, we hope they will get a glimpse of Jesus, and accept our open invitation to communities where we discuss spirituality and support spiritual wellbeing.
How do you build community, reaching those who need it most?